The prostate is a variable-sized gland located in the male pelvis, usually the size of a walnut measuring 3-4 Centimeters long and 3-5 centimeters width. On average the gland weighs about 20 grams but this increases as benign growth increases with age. The prostate surrounds the urethra, which drains urine from the bladder as the outflow pipe.
The seminal vesicles attach to the prostate and produce material that mixes with the prostatic fluid. The tubes from the testicles carry sperm to the prostate, the mixture of sperm and prostatic fluid forms semen. The fluid is then ejaculated during orgasm by a connection to the urethra called the ejaculatory ducts.
Prostate problems
The prostate gland encircles the urethra, so problems with urination can occur if the gland restricts urine flow through the tube. However although urinary symptoms in men are often labeled as a "prostate problem" they may in fact be due to disorders of the bladder or urethra and unrelated to prostatic disease.
For men under 50, the most common prostate problem is prostatitis.
For men over 50, the most common prostate problem is urinary symptoms secondary to prostatic enlargement. The risk of prostate cancer increases with age as well, but this disease is less common than BPH.
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